In order to ensure the life time of the hydrogen circuit and the air compressor, the water must be separated from the circuit in the fuel cell. Based on its experience with various blow-by oil separators and coalescing mesh Diesel 3Tech+ for diesel filters, PURFLUX GROUP offers the best combination of efficiency, pressure drop and flow impact.

The fuel cell membrane is very sensitive to particles and specific gases present in the atmosphere. In addition to the particulate filter required to protect the cathode circuit, the PURFLUX GROUP cathode air filter protects the fuel cell from harmful gases such as SO2, H2S, NOx, NH3.

The PURFLUX GROUP ion exchange filter is made up of a resin housing with very low conductivity and specific beads composed of strong acid cation gel and strong base anion gel which capture the ions in the cooling fluid. It protects the fuel cell from short circuits by keeping the dielectric level of the cooling fluid as low as possible. The PURFLUX GROUP solution is compact with an integrated sensor and offers a targeted replacement to the active part of the system to limit the environmental footprint.
The HYDROGEN+ range is also a membrane humidifier…
To ensure its good performance and longevity, the fuel cell needs moisture. PURFLUX GROUP uses its experience in media and mesh to guarantee an optimal humidity level with a more compact solution and «greener» materials than current humidifying membranes.